- Without action life is a settlement.
- Vexed tongues unleash poisoned ideology.
- I may not have the proof of science however my choices are my right.
- His Baby like feature went by so quick. His Manhood is shaping up to be wondrous.
- The perception of forgetfulness will only lead to a more sombre remembrance.
- A fine frustration. Do not stumble down it's swift path instead steer toward success.
- One who travels farthest in their mind travels lightest by foot. Inspired by Anthony Corriveau.
- Sometimes the moment is difficult or objectionable, that's why you took the photo.
- Let the vitals start hitting the entrails.
- A spot in a place distanced from a length, within reach yet out of sight.
- In light of the recent shooting in Chapel Hill I ask all to dedicate themselves to a deeper world peace. Take your love to others, give your heart away, lend your hand to fellow humans who may need it.
- Life should not be a constant struggle of love and hate.
- Pick a day and drive the speed limit everywhere. All day, all the time, never exceed it.
- Be where love grows the best.
- Cold, it's like the lack of warmth with numbness.
- I think the Burning Ring of Fire is a porthole.
- Sadly as the voices were silenced those with wealth gilded the voices with power.
- It's not the singular day you remember the most but the strength of the sensual impacts.
- Darkness is heavier and faster than light.
- The plight of thought spent ruminating ethical beliefs of others is to great of a weight while conducting a conversation of opposing views.
- Still night air, space white moonlight, glimpsing shadowy shapes, it's so easy to say I Love You, when the adventures are like an affair, dream with me, watercolored sunrises washed across skies, we've been warmed by sun and souls, create our path.
- It is motion, pure and simple, that dictates our lives.
- Too the price of remembering. I'll have another drink.
- I love when you put out bird food and within 3 minutes there are more birds than you can count. So many in fact that they will share the stoop.
- Ultra runners aim for tumbleweed speed.
- Well crafted men always have more than one plan.
- On a day to forget.
- February is the only month that can go without a full moon. 1999 next 2018